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For more than 10 years EUPOLIS has been providing high-quality consultancy services for companies, agencies and organizations in the public and wider public sector all over Greece. With strict consistency and professionalism, it provides a wide range of consultancy services, according to the developments taking place in the public becoming.

The company was founded in Mytilene in March 2008 through the collaboration of three scientists with many years of important experience in consulting services.

The company has been operating since the end of 2009 a branch in the center of the city of Thessaloniki and it houses most of its executives.

The company has a wide network of partner companies and experts and through this long-term proven collaboration it can provide services in specialized sub-topics in order to meet the needs of its customers.


The Vision of the company is to be recognizable for the deep knowledge and reliability of the services it provides in matters of local and regional development and support of public and wider public sector bodies.


The Strategy is based on understanding the clients’ needs - management and self-government bodies and on monitoring the policies that are applied in their area of responsibility, in order to effectively support the necessary processes.


The company's Values are the quality of the provided services, the respect for the customer, the personalized approach and solution-finding, the methodological approach for project implementation, based on internationally accepted practices and tools and finally building and cultivating strong bonds of trust and reliability through the development of stable relationships of lasting cooperation.

Our infrastructure

The company has modern operating offices and spaces, computer network with remote access, call center and specialized applications related to the services provided.