- Consulting support for the drafting of the Strategic and Business Plan (of the Local Goverment Organizations and their Legal Entities)
- Development of Real Estate Management Plans
- Design, management and technical support of Sustainable Urban Development plans, Integrated Spatial Investment and Special Spatial Development Plans (Open Trade Centers, Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans, etc.)
- Feasibility Studies for Establishing Local Goverment Organizations’ Businesses.
- Support for the preparation and maturation of projects in the context of PHILODIMOS, Regional Operational Programms – Partnership Agreement 2014-20, Operational Program Competitiveness Entrepreneurship Innovation
- Support for the preparation and maturation of projects in the context of the new Programming Period 2021-27
- Support for the submission of proposals and project management of the National Documentation Center’s Social Structures
- Implementation of networking actions and promotion of National Documentation Center’s structures
- Support for the management and implementation of the European Relief Fund for the Poor
- Organization Services (Preparation / Modification of the Internal Service Organization, Preparation of Special Job Degrees, etc.)
- Support for the design, management and implementation of transnational cooperation programs (INTERREG, URBACT, HORIZON, EUROPAID)